Enigmatic songz

Monday, May 9, 2011

Here's a secret to share....if u believe me that is....

So...why does our ICT lecturer ari 2 suruh buat blog kat wordpress....korunk tau tak?? Here's the secret. Cuba korang tenung betul2 beza blogspot and wordpress...dah..puas dah korang tenung? Jangan cakap dengan aku plak yang korunk tak nampak apa2? Yezz....cuba tengok dari segi layouts...blogger.com provide better layout than wordpress and the widgets....you can add more widgets using html scripts....wordpress?? yeah we have CSS scripting, itu pun untuk .org...pakham?? Not .wordpress.com...no...we have to pay for it! Plugin for wordpress only available if u pay for it...so ur wondering....why lecturer aku suruh bukak pakai wordpress ari 2?? Coz dia nak kitorang blajar tulis blog dulu we're amatures man...blogging pun baru tak sampai brapa bulan (walaupun aku dah bukak bnyk blog sblum ni...). They juz want us to grow up with this blogging business....spaya kitorang dapat belajar apakah itu "useful content" and so that we can share reliable information...tak lah korunk cari pasal Kereta Panzer German korunk jumpa plak Panzer German Panties plak...isk..isk..isk...(korunk actually boleh stop public search kat blog korunk)..neway korunk mesti tanya aku, "so, takkan la bro xnak bukak kat blogspot?" the answer is yes I can...but im not into proffesional blogging yet, just suker2. And I dunno if I can deliver a good enough blog post, juz sharing stories with u guyz and kira cam diary la tempat ni...tempat practice blogging...bila dah cukup experience...finance..(actually duit cukup...xder kredit kad jer...)...and also confidence and support from blog readers and my friend...barulah aku upgrade...lpas 2 korunk akan nampak blog ni jadi cam social network plak...ni tak lain mesti mutilate abis CSS scripting ni..haha...blogging sometimes for some people is a serious business...kalo korunk jenis main2 jer diorang mesti cakap "The hell wif ya! Kalo xnak serious bagus jangan bukak blog lah...lagi satu nampak serabut giler layout ko...just keep it simple....simplicity!" Mwahaha....tringat plak aku kat lecturer ICT tu....nak kutuk ada...nak praise pun ada...tpi diorang tak kisah pun...they juz wanna pass the infos not the torch kay....

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